The Cockpit Effect 2024


As an award-winning social enterprise, we have tracked our impact for more than ten years.

The Cockpit Effect 2024 offers an insight into the impact that our support has for both the 175+ makers in the Cockpit community and the wider creative economy.

Each year, we gather in-depth data and publish it in our impact report, The Cockpit Effect. The results are clear. Every £1 invested in Cockpit generates £3.80 in value to the local economy and creative businesses.

Our 2024 report is based on makers’ financial data for the years 2021/2022 and 2022/2023. It shows how well they adapted and responded to the challenges facing creative businesses.

Overall, total annual sales for makers at Cockpit reached over £8.3 million, an increase of 19% year-on-year.

Read the full report below.

Download a PDF copy of the report here.

Download the infographic here.

For print copies, please reach out to David Crump, Head of Business Incubation at Cockpit, at 
